Lesson 1 Electrical Safety Culture Flashcards
To ensure that an environment is electrically safe, the following must be done at a minimum: develop, conduct, and implement _____ for qualified and unqualified persons, develop and implement hazard identification and risk assessment procedures, and engineer out the hazards or reduce them as far as is practicable.
How to Grade Gravel Roads
Potholes, ruts, and washboarding can result from prolonged periods of wet weather, while passing traffic kicks up dust and displaces gravel to the shoulder area or even …
SAND, GRAVEL, AND CRUSHED STONE INDUSTRY GROUND CONTROL This module describes basi c job steps, potential hazards and acci dents, and r ecommended safe job procedures for ground control. This module provides the miner with information on ground control, and hazards associated with highwalls, water pools, pits, spoil banks, and
• (-a): A Certified Material Test Report is provided with the unqualified source material; • (-b): The unqualified source material is traceable to the Certified Material Test Report; • (-c): Procurement documents require that suppliers of unqualified source material establish written procedures for identifying source materials in a
Module 2 Unit C Quiz Flashcards | Quizlet
What hazards are a meter reader likely to encounter on the job? Dog bites. Untreated shock resulting from injury or illness can result in: death. Injury to the head, neck, and spine many result from any of the following EXCEPT: Scalding. Minimum approach distance for an unqualified utility worker approaching an energized power line is: 10 feet ...
Chapter 4: Safe Work Procedures
The inherent hazards of grading gravel surfaces are those related to working with and around mobile equipment, working on sloping terrain, being exposed to the driving public and working …
Construction Tool Box Safety Talks
2. Describe the hazards of the work as they relate to your project. Explain or show the SAFE way of doing the job. 3. Give the TOOL BOX SAFETY TALK 13 EQUIPMENT: BARRICADING More than 100 people each year are killed by mobile heavy equipment— including backhoes/excavators, mobile cranes, road grading and surfacing machinery, loaders,
Prevent access by unqualified persons. Fences, screens, partitions, or walls shall enclose the rooms and other spaces so as to minimize the possibility that unqualified persons will enter. 1926.966(e)(3) Restricted entry. Unqualified persons may not enter the rooms or other spaces while the electric supply lines or equipment are energized. ...
90 Hours Inspections Course 1-3 Rev H Flashcards
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following is an implication of improper lot grading? (a) Difficulty in establishing sod. (b) Foundation damage. (c) Trees growing too close to the house. (d) Reduced insulation values. (e) Contamination of water supplies., What is a Finishing Grading Practice? (a) Sand mixed with top soil (b) Rocks (c) …
Association of Reciprocal Safety Councils
Note that both refer to construction and operation of electrical equipment, training, skills, knowledge, and hazards. Unqualified Person. "A person who is not a qualified person." NFPA 70E® also specifies "Unqualified persons shall be trained in, and familiar with, any electrical safety-related practices necessary for their safety."
Chapter 3 Flashcards
Occupations that expose employees to electrical hazards must have training that includes all of the following except knowing how to ___ exposure to electrical hazards. The type and level of training required for an unqualified person working around energized electrical equipment depends on ___
Crushed Stone and Gravel Sizes, Chart and Grades
This post has the common gravel and crushed stone sizes or grades. Also we will tell you which size or grade to buy for what job. Afterward, you will have insight on gavel sizes categories i.e., ISO 14668 and the Udden-Wentworth scale. And to conclude, we will give you a crushed stone/gravel size chart.
Civil Shoulder Grading SWMS | SafetyDocs PDF
This Civil Shoulder Grading Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) outlines the safety steps, hazards, and controls associated with road shoulder grading operations. ... Shoulder Grading: Control measures for conducting …
How to screen the Sand and Gravel Production Line?
Its purpose is to sieve out large pieces of unqualified particle size from the product of the crushing equipment, so that the product does not exceed the required upper limit of particle size. ... In some cases, sieving needs to separate the bulk materials by quality, such as separating sand and stone powder by grade in a sand and gravel ...
"Good" Gravel? • Larger top-sized stone and small percentage of clay or fine material does not form a crust to keep material bond together • High percentage of sand sized particles remains …
(1) Granular cohesion-less soils including angular gravel (similar to crushed rock), silt, silt loam, sandy loam, and, in some cases, silty clay loam and sandy clay : (2) This is the most stable soil type : (3) Cohesive soil with unconfined compressive strength of 0.5 tsf (48 kPa) or less : (4) A natural solid mineral matter that can be excavated with vertical sides and remain intact while ...
Electrical safety ch 3 Flashcards
Occupations that expose employees to electrical hazards must have training that includes all of the following except ___ Exposure to electrical hazards. The type and level of training required for an unqualified person working around energized electrical equipment depends on …
We provide top notch grading services such as yard grading, building site preparation & cleaning, sloping/re-sloping & more! We have the expertise to make your grading needs become a reality. Get Started Today! Gallery
Natural Sand & Gravel, Gravel Gravel Sand Construction Aggregate, River Rock, Pea Gravel, Course Aggregate RECOMMENDED USE AND RESTRICTION ON USE ... may pose inhalation hazards. Do not dry sweep spilled material. Collect the material using a method that does not produce dust such as a High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) vacuum or thoroughly ...
Very serious, and sometimes fatal, injuries can result from falls of highwall, and falling, rolling, or sliding material. All members of the work force need to know how to recognize these hazards.
Get Gravel Grading
Gravel grading is the process of smoothing and leveling the surface of a gravel driveway, parking lot or roadway. It involves using heavy equipment such as a grader or a box blade to distribute the gravel evenly and eliminate any bumps, potholes or drainage issues.
How Often Should Gravel Roads Be Graded?
Using quality gravel is one way to forestall many problems that compromise the surface of the road, such as washboarding. As the FHWA guide states, "Good gravel road …
What is Grading in Construction?
Slope grading involves digging the ground to create a specific slope and then filling it with soil or gravel for stability. The main purpose is to create an even surface and manage water runoff, as it prevents runoff from eroding the soil. If the slope is too steep, water can rush down it and cause damage to the foundation. Contour Grading
Lesson 2: Justification, Assessment, and Implementation of
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Article 130, Work Involving Electrical Hazards, by definition, covers work involving four hazards caused by either proximity or equipment failure., Article 130 begins with the general requirement stating, in part, that all requirements of Article 130 apply if a(n) ? analysis is completed or if Table 130.7(C)(15)(a), …
Clearing and Grading Safety
Clearing and grading, topsoil stripping, and land levelling activities all involve the modification of land plots to prepare them for property … See more
OR HAZARDS 1. A) Slips and falls. B) Burns. 2. A) Run over by truck. 3. A) Running over someone. B) Dropping material on cab and driver RECOMMENDED SAFE JOB PROCEDURES 1. A) Make sure work area is clear of slipping hazards. B) Wear gloves. 2. A) Make sure the truck drivers see you, if you are not in the loader. 3. A) Be aware of everyone's
The Dangers of Using an Unqualified Coach
The Dangers of Using an Unqualified Coach. Albert. August 3, 2023. If you were alive at the turn of the 20th century, do you know what you would give your baby to soothe their teething pains? Morphine syrup. Yup. Morphine—a drug potent enough to stop your breathing.
NFPA 70E Flashcards
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 2. For exposed 480 VAC energized conductors and using NFPA 70E Table 130.2(C) or the Shock Protection Boundaries and PPE Fermilab Summary table for NFPA 70E, the Restricted Approach Boundary for shock protection is a. 1 Inch b. 7 Inches c. 1 Foot d. 3 Feet 6 Inches, 3. For energized circuits, …
Gravel Roads: Construction & Maintenance Guide (PubOth02)
Good gravel road maintenance or rehabilitation depends on two basic principles: proper use of a motorgrader (or other grading device) and use of good surface gravel. The use of the grader to …
[Application of risk grading and classification for …
Results: The results of MES evaluation showed that the risk of occupational hazards in this project was grade 3, which was considered as significant risk; Q value calculated by quality assessment of occupational health management was 0.52, which was considered to be unqualified; the comprehensive evaluation with these two methods showed that ...
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