Horizontal Wells Benefits

Exploring the Benefits of Horizontal Soil Vapor Extraction Wells

Horizontal remediation wells offer several advantages for soil vapor extraction, making them an effective solution monetarily and performance-wise. Through horizontal directional drilling …

Practice and Understanding of Horizontal Well Drilling and …

The comparison is made with the design plan and preliminary economic evaluation to determine the actual economic benefits of the integrated horizontal well, in order to improve the prediction level of future plans and provide new basis for the feasibility of the integrated promotion and deployment of horizontal well drilling and production.

TWRI grant recipient quantifies horizontal well …

Blumenthal researched the utility of horizontal groundwater wells, developed new models for groundwater flow to horizontal wells and completed a cost-benefit analysis. "The main advantage of a horizontal well is greater …

[PDF] Cost/Benefits of Horizontal Wells | Semantic Scholar

This is a summary of state of the art horizontal well technology and a review of the economic benefits of horizontal wells. The paper describes various reservoir applications of horizontal wells from primary recovery to EOR applications. The paper includes field examples of different applications. . Although horizontal wells have been drilled as early as 1927, the major thrust of …

A Parametric Study on the Benefits of Drilling Horizontal …

Vertical wells, al- Fig. 3—CBM cumulative production from horizontal and vertical wells. December 2008 SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering Parametric Study: Systematic Approach In this study, a number of simulations have been performed to investigate the influence of different horizontal-well shapes, their various length, SBL, and various ...

Horizontal Drilling: A Valuable Tool in the Right …

There are two obvious advantages of horizontal environmental wells over traditional vertical wells. The first is their ability to provide better lateral coverage of a contamination plume. In the right setting, one horizontal well …

horizontal wells benefits

Tag: horizontal wells benefits. Home; Directional Drilling, Fuel Terminals, Gas Stations, Horizontal Remediation Wells; Horizontal Wells for Remediation to Avoid Disrupting Business Operations Horizontal wells for remediation is the perfect design option when business operations must continue during mitigation or remediation activities.

Field Proven Advantages of Horizontal …

Horizontal wells have a longer screen interval in contact with a larger mass of contaminated media and deliver larger air volumes per foot of horizontal well …

Horizontal Wells Access Contamination

Based on the data previously collected from monitor wells around the exterior of the facility and the soil data collected during horizontal drilling, the horizontal wells were installed to depths of 40 and 60 feet below ground surface with screen intervals approximately 45 feet long.

Cost/Benefits of Horizontal Wells | SPE Western Regional …

This is a summary of state of the art horizontal well technology and a review of the economic benefits of horizontal wells. The paper describes various reservoir applications of …

Economics Favor Refracs Of Horizontal Wells In …

HOUSTON–Refracturing wells within even the first few years of production may provide significant economic benefits, especially during periods of downturns in oil and gas prices when drilling budgets are reduced. Horizontal …

Horizontal Wells: Applications, Considerations, and Case …

This paper discusses many aspects of the application of horizontal wells for field development, starting with the basic question of why to opt to this technology. ... it is emphasized that the full extraction of the benefits of HWS in field development requires careful and detailed front end planning, as can be seen in the case history below ...


Cost/Benefits Of Horizontal Wells Disadvantages of horizontal wells are: 1. High cost as compared to a vertical well. In the U.S., a new horizontal well drilled from the surface, costs 1.5 to 2.5 times more than a vertical well. A re-entry horizon-tal well costs about 0.4 to 1.3 times a vertical well cost. 2.


Horizontal wells have been used to produce thin zones, fractured reservoirs, formations with water and gas coning problems, waterflooding, heavy oil reservoirs, gas reser-voirs, and in EOR …

Horizontal vs Vertical Wells: A Guide for Petroleum …

Well design and placement should be tailored to the reservoir conditions and objectives, and consider the trade-offs between benefits and drawbacks of horizontal and vertical wells. Add your ...

Potential Benefits of Horizontal Wells for CO2 Injection to …

This study used numerical simulations of CO2 storage to identify the benefits of horizontal wells for geological carbon storage, such as enhancing CO2 trapped in porous media due to relative permeability and capillary hysteresis. Two injection schemes were tested: one using a vertical injector and the other employing a horizontal well. The results revealed two …

What are Horizontal Wells: Significance, …

Horizontal wells have emerged as a game changer in the hydrocarbon production industry. Horizontal wells, also known as "snake wells," represent a revolutionary approach to drilling that offers numerous advantages …

Time-Tested Advantages of Horizontal Wells

A horizontal well is in contact with a larger area of soil or groundwater and therefore can treat a larger mass of contaminates. Since only one submersible pump is needed in a horizontal well system compared to typically 5 or more pumps in a comparable system of vertical wells, savings can …

Horizontal Drilling—A Global Perspective

Horizontal drilling, which increases wellbore exposure to the reservoir, has delivered multiple benefits. Operators have used horizontal wells to revive economic production, to increase and …

Horizontal SVE Wells

Horizontal Well Benefits. Avoids Business Interruptions; Larger Radius of Influence; Maximum Screen Contact to Contaminant; Accelerates Site Closure; More Cost Effective; Target the Source of Contamination. Ready to Get Started? Call 1-877-788-4479. drilling@directionaltech.

Horizontal wells

Horizontal Well contrasts with an extended-reach well, which is a high-angle directional well drilled to intersect a target point. Growth of horizontal drilling. There was relatively little horizontal drilling activity before 1985. The Austin Chalk play is responsible for the boom in horizontal drilling activity in the U.S.

Drilling Sideways: The High-Tech Magic of …

By improving access to extensive and dispersed hydrocarbon reserves, horizontal drilling enhances production efficiency, reduces environmental impact, and drives economic benefits, solidifying its role as a …

Cost/Benefits of Horizontal Wells

This is a summary of state of the art horizontal well technology and a review of the economic benefits of horizontal wells. The paper describes various reservoir applications of horizontal wells ...


77 N. Plains Industrial Road Wallingford, CT 06492 Over 5,000 Horizontal Remediation Wells Installed Worldwide

Blind Technique For Horizontal Wells

How can the advantages offered by decades of technological advancement in the field of horizontal wells benefit your project? Call our horizontal remediation well experts at 1-877-788-4479 to discuss your current project needs or email us at drilling@directionaltech with questions, review case studies, and learn more.


A horizontal well may be defined as a well which is drilled to an inclination of 90°, and maintains this inclination for a significant distance. ... Increased penetration of reservoir using highly deviated wells. The potential benefit of increased production has led to a renewed interest in horizontal drilling over recent years. Horizontal ...

Optimization of fracturing parameters for horizontal wells …

Optimization of fracturing parameters for horizontal wells in high-sulfur gas reservoirs considering the effect of sulfur deposition. Author links open overlay panel Chang Sun a b, Zhongjun Zhao c, Jinghong Hu a b, ... which has the highest economic benefit in 15-year time; the case with a fracture spacing of 150 m has the shortest payback ...

Fundamentals of horizontal well completions

Benefits of horizontal drilling are well documented. This article addresses the fundamentals of completing a horizontal well, discussing completion by (1) open hole, (2) casing packers, (3) slotted or perforated liner, and (4) cemented casing/liner. Completion methods 1 through 3 are generally known as ''drain hole'' completions, and method 4 ...

Drilling Sideways

In both examples, an economic benefit of horizontal drilling success is increased productivity of the reservoir. In the latter example, prolongation of the reservoir's commercial life is also an economic benefit. ... Significant successes include many horizontal wells drilled into the fractured Austin Chalk of Texas' Giddings Field, which have ...

Potential Benefits of Horizontal Wells for CO2 Injection to …

This study used numerical simulations of CO2 storage to identify the benefits of horizontal wells for geological carbon storage, such as enhancing CO2 trapped in porous media due to relative ...