Gold Bearing Limonite Gossans

Detection of Gossan Zones in Arid Regions Using …

Gossans (Fe-rich alteration zones) are the surface indications of massive sulfide, porphyry and skarn deposits in the Arabian Nubian Shield. They consist of limonite, goethite, hematite, malachite, and azurite. The …


Mineragraphy (ore Microscopy), the study of opaque and translucent minerals by means of reflected incident light in a polarizing microscope, is complementary to petrology (q.v. in Vol. V), which is concerned with the study of transparent minerals through the use of transmitted light in a polarizing microscope.. Mineragraphic methods require materials to be studied as highly …

Limonite: Mineral information, data and localities.

A local name for a lenticular aggregated Limonite. Chromium-bearing Limonite: A chromium-bearing variety of limonite. Exotic limonite: Limonite precipitated in rock that did not formerly contain any iron-bearing sulfide. Compare with indigenous limonite. Gold-bearing Limonite: A gold-bearing variety of limonite. Common in gossans of gold deposits.

Gold remobilization in gossans of the Amani area

The µXCT imaging of supergene gold particles in this study, highlights the result of gold precipitation in gossans from circulating meteoric water enriched in mobile gold-bearing complexes. Based on environmental conditions operating in the gossan caps, we suggest that metastable thiosulphate ions are responsible for gold remobilization.

Supergene features and evolution of gossans capping massive …

Twelve massive sulphide deposits from the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB) show well-preserved iron caps, some of which were mined during the last century to recover precious metals (e.g., Tharsis, Rio Tinto, San Miguel). Field observations and correlation assays between the distinct mineral sequences at different deposits suggest that all the gossans were developed …

The morphology of gold grains associated with oxidation of sulphide

Impurities found among gold particles in pan concentrates of crushed gossans are mainly quartz, mica, monazite, titanite, limonite concretions, and silver particles. SEM studies permitted the identification of two different types of gold, corresponding to more or less unweathered residual primary particles and to secondary gold derived from ...

Chapter IV. Oxidation and secondary enrichment of gold …

The principal hypogene gold-bearing minerals are native gold, aurostibite, fischesserite and the various tellurides, e.g., ... submicroscopic gold in mineral aggregates such as limonite and wad. Some of this exists in discrete microcrystals and ... ed into the cementing minerals of the gossans where it is inextricably intermixed with limonite ...

Gold-bearing sulfide and gossan mineralisation systems of …

The strongly sheared marble-gneiss contact zones and the post-shear subvertical faults and related breccia zones host gold-bearing sulfide and gossan mineralisations and accompanied …


Gold bearing limonite gossans were productively mined in the Shasta County, California mining district. Similar deposits were mined in Rio Tinto, Spain and Mt. Morgan, Australia. In the Dahlonega gold belt in Lumpkin County, Georgia gold was mined from limonite rich lateritic or saprolite soil. The gold of the primary veins was concentrated ...

Gossan mineralogy, textures, and gold enrichment over the …

Gossan profiles produced by the interaction of surficial processes over sulfide–rich deposits have been the subject of many investigations in the last decade, due to their high-grade metallic composition and importance in environmental sciences (Reich and Vasconcelos, 2015; Dill, 2015; Vasconcelos et al., 2015).The evolution of a gossan profile is related to a series of …

Gold remobilization in gossans of the Amani area

The occurrences of larger (>4 mm) high-purity gold particles in gossans and laterites are far less common and their origin (hypogene/supergene) is still disputed (Hough et al., 2007, Wilson, 1984). ... Textural evidences from the gold-bearing veins, such as mosaic breccia monomicts, floating clast breccias, hydrothermal breccias, colloform ...

Detection of Gossan Zones in Arid Regions Using Landsat 8 …

Gossans (Fe-rich alteration zones) are the surface indications of massive sulfide, porphyry and skarn deposits in the Arabian Nubian Shield. They consist of limonite, goethite, hematite, malachite, and azurite. The Khunayqiyah gossans, Eastern Arabian Shield, Saudi Arabia, have been used to demonstrate the effectiveness of using the Landsat 8 OLI imagery for detecting …

Supergene features and evolution of gossans capping massive …

1. Introduction. Erosion and oxidation of massive sulphides when uplifted and exposed to the surface commonly leads to the formation of gossans, which dominate the space between the water table and the surface (Andrew, 1980, Boyle, 1994, Williams, 1990).Here, surficial water leaches soluble elements and re-precipitates some of them forming secondary …

Chapter IV. Oxidation and secondary enrichment of gold …

Gold deposits, subjected to oxidation, may become enriched near the surface both as a result of chemical processes involving the migration of gold and by the removal of soluble gangue and …

Clark County Nevada Gold Production – Western Mining …

After several unsuccessful attempts to smelt the ore and recover lead, work was abandoned, and for the next several decades activity in the district consisted of desultory prospecting of gold-bearing iron gossans, copper-stained gossans, and lead veins.

Gossans and Leached Cappings: Field Assessment

Targeted area, revealed stream exposures of gold bearing quartz veins. Epithermal system (Halmahera). Factors involved – favourable legislative regimes, improved geological concepts, heavily forested difficult terrain.


for specimen-grade gold samples is within gossans containing boxworks. Boxworks is a distinct vuggy and rusty rock (Figure 7). Figure 6. Schematic diagram illustrating the gossan cap overlying a gold-bearing . vein. Figure 7. This hand specimen of boxworks exhibits pore spaces that formed where . ... limonite-stained gossan surrounding the rock ...

Sulfide Oxidation and Production of Gossans, Ashanti Mine…

At the Justice mine, in the Ashanti goldfields of southwestern Ghana, chemical weathering of gold- bearing sulfide-rich lodes has produced a series of characteristic mineralogical and geochemical ...


Gold bearing limonite gossans were productively mined in the Shasta County, California mining district. Similar deposits were mined near Rio Tinto in Spain and Mount Morgan in Australia. In …

Gold-bearing Limonite: Mineral information, data and …

Common in gossans of gold deposits.


The gold-bearing veins and shear zones have three principal orientations: (1) N. 5°—15° W., with dips ranging between 80° W. and 80° E.; (2) N. 0°—15° E., generally with dips ranging from vertical to 70° W.; (3) N. 20° W., with dips ranging from 60° W. to 85° W. ... FIGURE 7.—Gold in quartz and limonite pseudomorphs after pyrite ...

Gold, wolframite, tourmaline-bearing lateritized gossans in …

JOURNAL Of GEOCfflNCAL EXPLORATION ELSEVIER Journal of Geochemical Exploration 57(1996) 201 -215 Gold, wolframite, tourmaline-bearing lateritized gossans in the Amazon region, Brazil Romulo S. Angelica a'b Marcondes L. da Costa b, Herbert Pollmann c Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerals CPRM, Geological Surrey of Brazil, Ar. Dr. …

Gold remobilization in gossans of the Amani area

Request PDF | Gold remobilization in gossans of the Amani area, southwestern Tanzania | Oxide facies gold deposits are characterised by high Au-tenor free-milling gold nuggets and differ to their ...

Sulfide Oxidation and Production of Gossans, Ashanti Mine…

Copper sulfides and goethite replace bornite and chalcopyrite in ladder-type textures. With more intensive weathering, this assemblage is replaced by cuprite, goethite, and hematite. Gold mineralogy in the gossan is complex, with evidence of in situ precipitation of supergene gold as well as alteration of hypogene native gold.


The Cornish term gossan is applied to chemically weathered, iron-stained outcrops of sulfide mineral deposits. Synonyms include the French chapeau de fer, the German eiserner Hut, and the Spanish colorados. The term pacos ore is used in Bolivia for gossans over tin veins that are residually enriched in cassiterite.Most workers reserve the term "capping" for gossans over …

Gold, wolframite, tourmaline-bearing lateritized gossans in …

One of the most interesting features of the supergene profile from both areas is that Au-bearing gossans have been altered by lateritic profiles - lateritic iron crust and latosols obliterating the original gossan textures. making recognition difficult and initiating a tertiary dispersion of Au and other metals. ... similar high contents of ...

The geochemistry, mineralogy and maturity of gossans …

Two marked types of gossans within study area are greyish red, heavy, massive limonite and light red, light and poorly porous limonite. Both of these two types are usually very hard and display ...

Determination of Gold Content in Limonite and Pyrite from …

imonite and pyrite as the typical gold-bearing minerals are separated by making use ofelutriation,flotation and selective dissolution methods. The proportion of gold in various …

Limonite: Mineral information, data and localities.

Chromium-bearing Limonite: A chromium-bearing variety of limonite. Exotic limonite: Limonite precipitated in rock that did not formerly contain any iron-bearing sulfide. Compare with indigenous limonite. Gold-bearing Limonite: A gold-bearing variety of limonite. Common in gossans of gold deposits. Indigenous limonite