Tailing Of Copper Flotation Composition

Improving Flocculation Performance of Copper Flotation …

Large amounts of tailings are produced when copper minerals are concentrated by flotation. For instance, the flotation process is performed with water contain-ing 25–35% wt …

(PDF) Acid Drainage Potential of Copper Flotation Tailings …

Most copper flotation tailings contain a significant amount of sulfide minerals that can generate effluent resulting from the oxidation of sulfides when they are exposed to oxygen and water. ... or treated to generate the treated effluent to be either disposed or recycled. 3.1.1 Chemical analyses The chemical composition of five copper sulfide ...

Mineralogical and geochemical changes of copper flotation tailings …

Mineralogical and geochemical changes of copper flotation tailings in relation to their original composition and climatic setting : implications for acid mine drainage and element mobility ... Most copper flotation tailings contain a significant amount of sulfide minerals that can generate effluent resulting from the oxidation of sulfides when ...

Mineralogical characterization of copper sulfide tailings …

copper flotation tailings obtained from the mine have been reported to still contain 0.26wt% copper, which is larger than the economic grade (0.07%) for recovering single copper ele- ment [27–28]. ... composition and abundance of copper tailings. Wang and Wang [41] studied the dissemination state of copper in an old ...

(PDF) Copper Upgrading and Recovery Process from Mine Tailing …

At the condition, the grade of Al and Fe were reached to 0.6 mass% and 6.6 mass% from 3.45 mass% and 3.51 mass%, respectively. Key Words : Copper, Flotation, Mine tailing, Chalcopyrite, Flotation reagent 1 INTRODUCTION Mineral resources are non-renewable and most important resources of which utilization has increased in many industries.

Extraction of Metals from Copper Tailings through Leaching

A copper tailing is a residue, product of the flotation of sulfide minerals, which contain a variety of elements that can be valorized. The extraction of metals from copper tailings consist of applying metallurgical techniques, such as acid leaching or magnetic concentration, to obtain a valuable product.

A Review of the Flotation of Copper Minerals

The recovery of these copper minerals by flotation or hydrometallurgy from ores, typically containing 0.5%TCu (open pit mines) and 1-2%TCu (underground mines) is of great commercial importance ...

A review on complex utilization of mine tailings: Recovery of …

Tailings storage facilities may also be destabilized by fine particles and slimes in the tailings. Chemicals used in flotation, leaching agents ... Copper tailings from Chile's Atacama region contained ... Detailed characterization is essential for designing optimized recovery processes tailored to the specific tailings composition. ...

Improving Flocculation Performance of Copper Flotation …

Enhancing tailings' dewatering and consolidation performance by flocs regulation. Both flocculation ability and shear resistance of flocs were improved by PCE. PCE densified …

Investigation of the possibility of copper recovery from the flotation …

The flotation tailings pond of the Bor Copper Mine poses a great ecological problem not only for the town of Bor but also for the surrounding soils and watercourses. Since the old flotation tailings contain about 0.2% of copper on the average, we investigated their leaching with sulphuric acid in the absence and presence of an oxidant.

Ozone/Thiosulfate-Assisted Leaching of Cu and Au from Old Flotation …

The growing demand for metal production promotes the search for alternative sources and novel modalities in metallurgy. Flotation tailings are an important secondary mineral resource; however, they might pose a potential environmental threat due to containing toxic metals. Therefore, proper leaching reagent selection is required. Ozone is an alternative …

Chemical Composition Data of the Main Stages …

This paper presents a review of chemical composition data of the main stages of copper production from sulfide minerals, such as (1) copper minerals, (2) flotation tailings, (3) flotation ...

Reprocessing of tailing from Erdenet copper ores: …

including physical and chemical characterization of the tailing samples, flotation experiments and analysis were carried out in order to define the optimized condition of the flotation. The best recovery of tailing sample with 0.1% of Cu was 1.4% of Cu grade and 32.27% of cumulative recov-ery. Keywords: Recovery, Flotation, Copper, Tailing ...

Socio-Environmental Risks Linked with Mine Tailings …

In the case of copper mine tailings obtained by flotation, it is not mandatory to install geomembrane-type geosynthetic systems on the entire surface of the TSF reservoir. ... To promote the reduction of socio-environmental risks considering the chemical composition of mine tailings, it is necessary to implement new approaches focused on ...


Flotation waste, which was produced through seventy years of copper ore processing in RTB Bor, Serbia, is deposited in a flotation tailings pond. In total, almost 26.4 Mt could be considered as ...

Recovery of cobalt and copper through reprocessing of tailings …

The roughing flotation of tailings was achieved at laboratory (14 min) using a Denver D-12 mechanical machine with the impeller speed kept at 1350 rpm (Fig. 3).The yields in copper and cobalt were studied versus the reagents dosage. The reagents were introduced in the slurry to be floated while keeping constant (0.1) the ratio of dosages.

Recovery of Sulfur, Copper, and Gold by Reprocessing …

et al. [18] concluded that the most efficient technology for copper recovery from the old flotation tailings of the Bor copper mine was leaching with biogenic lixiviant. Falagán et al. [16] achieved copper recoveries of over 90% by bioleaching. Bulatovic [20] found that bulk flotation is typically used in cases where the ore is acidic and

Mineralogical characteristics of copper smelting slag …

Flotation is a common method widely used to recover copper sulfide and metallic copper from CSS because of its low cost, short process, and excellent recycling effect [6].More than 15.0 million tons of CSS are treated by flotation in China every year [7].Slag concentrates and slag tailings are produced during the CSS flotation process, the former being returned to …

Chemical composition of copper mine tailing and conventional …

Shown in Table 2 is the chemical composition of copper mine tailings in comparison with conventional soil. The chemical elements found in CMT are comparable to that of other geologic resources

The valorisation of platinum group metals from flotation tailings…

Flotation tailings from South Africa's platinum group minerals (PGM) represent complex polymetallic orebodies comprising a low-grade platinum group elements (PGE) content and complex mineralogical composition. ... and base metals – predominantly nickel and copper. These elements are found in a host of different minerals, which together are ...

The flotation of sphalerite mine tailings as a remediation …

The sphalerite was then separated from the galena flotation tailings, activating it with 350 g/t of copper sulphate and using 20 g/t of potassium butyl xanthate as a collector. The Zn concentrate resulting after three re-cleaning stages had …

(PDF) Investigation of flotation parameters for …

We conducted a 2⁴ factorial design on the main parameters that influence flotation performance. The results showed an optimum flotation condition at dosages of 80 g/t, 30g/t, and...

Mineralogical and geochemical changes of copper flotation tailings …

In the present work six flotation tailings impoundments at five flotation plants (Piuquenes, Cauquenes, El Salvador, Ojancos, P. Cerda) located in different climatic zones of Chile were selected to investigate the mineralogical and geochemical changes taking place in copper flotation tailings subsequent to sulfide oxidation, especially the formation of acid mine drainage and …

Leaching of Metals from Flotation Tailings of a Copper …

This study investigated leaching of metals i.e. Cu, Co and Zn from flotation tailings of a copper smelter slag using sulphuric acid solutions in the absence/presence of hydrogen peroxide.

Dewatering of Copper Flotation Tailings: Effect of Feed …

Flotation Tailings: Effect of Feed Dilution on the Thickener Performance, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, DOI: 10.1080/08827508.2018.1497626 To link to this article: https ...

Composition, Harm and Resource Utilization Technology of Gold Mine Tailings

the massive discharge and accumulation of gold tailings not only wastes resources and occupies land area, but also causes certain harm to environment and human beings. Gold tailings not only contain non-ferrous metals such as gold, silver, copper, lead, and non-metallic minerals such as quartz and feldspar, but also contain a large number of silicon aluminum oxides and silicate …

Recovery of pyrite from copper tailings by flotation

Copper tailing Pyrite recovery Flotation Split ... 1 – Elemental chemical composition of the fresh tailing samples. TotalironMagnetic copper sulfur Weight, % 16.12 12.90 0.26 2.71

Economic potential and environmental impact of metal …

After copper recovery by flotation, the remaining part of the slag is considered waste and disposed of in the slag dump area. However, even after copper recovery, copper slag flotation tailings (CSFT) may still contain several metals in varying amounts. However, the complexity and low metal concentration have undermined the potential of CSFT.

Mineralogical characterization of copper sulfide tailings …

This research reveals the occurrence mechanism of copper minerals in typical copper sulfide tailings using quantitative mineral liberation analysis (MLA) integrated with …

Chemical Composition Data of the Main Stages …

This paper presents a review of chemical composition data of the main stages of copper production from sulfide minerals, such as (1) copper minerals, (2) flotation tailings, (3) flotation concentrates, (4) slags and (5) flue …