Sustainable mix design of recycled aggregate concrete …
In recycled aggregate concrete (RAC), RA serves as a partial or whole replacement for natural aggregates yielding multiple benefits, such as diminished demand for …

5 Concrete Recycling Machines You Have to Know
Fote collects 5 kinds of concrete recycling machines for you to realize a fund circulation, which include crushers and screening equipment.

Stress-strain behaviour of axially loaded FRP-confined …
Recycled aggregates can be classified based on the parent CDW material. These include recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) [13, 14], recycled brick aggregate (RBA) [15], and …

Evaluating compressive strength of concrete made with recycled concrete …
Many previous studies have successfully used recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) in the production of concrete and mortar [3], ... This study estimated the compressive strength …

Mixture Optimization of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Using Hybrid
Recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) contributes to mitigating the depletion of natural aggregates, alleviating the carbon footprint of concrete construction, and averting the …

(PDF) Concrete using recycled aggregates
However, at high temperatures, recycled aggregate concrete showed more strength deterioration than natural aggregate concrete, but the differences were not greater than 5% to …

Study of recycled concrete properties and prediction using machine …
Some scholars have investigated the influence of recycled brick aggregate (BA) content on concrete properties. Liu et al. [3] used coconut shell crushed aggregate and BA to …

Creep behavior evaluation of recycled aggregate concrete using machine
Except for Control concrete, natural fine aggregate was replaced by recycled fine aggregate at a rate of 0%, 15%, 30%, or 50% while natural coarse aggregate was completely …

5 Types of Concrete Crushers for Recycling …
To recycle concrete, a crushing process is required. There are mainly 5 types of concrete crushers like portable crusher, mobile crusher, small concrete crusher, excavator concrete crusher and bucket crusher, so you …

Multi-targeted strength properties of recycled aggregate concrete
Nearly 10 billion metric tonnes of concrete waste are produced globally per year. In addition, concrete also accelerates the consumption of natural resources, leading to the …

Reverse design for mixture proportions of recycled brick aggregate …
Demolished bricks (i.e., account for 39.8%) represent a significant share of CDW, and after concrete wastes (i.e., account for 54.6%) they are the second most commonly …

Development of chemistry-informed interpretable model for …
Producing recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) from crushing waste concrete is an effective means for disposing large volumes of CDWs as well as conserving natural resources …

Flexural behavior of RC beams incorporating recycled concrete aggregate
Reducing the environmental footprint of concrete is one of the most effective methods to mitigate climate change since cement production contributes to about 8 % of …

Machine Learning-Based Evaluation of Shear Capacity of Recycled …
Recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) is a promising solution to address the challenges raised by concrete production. However, the current lack of pertinent design rules …

Influence of silica fume and Bacillus subtilis combination on concrete …
In recent years, the utilization of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) that obtained after the recycling process of CDW has gained significant attention in concrete production due …

Efficient creep prediction of recycled aggregate concrete via machine …
Recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) has received extensive attention as a green building material. However, the service performance and sustainable potential of RAC have …

Multi-objective optimization design of recycled aggregate concrete
It is a good way to use recycled aggregate produced by waste concrete to replace natural aggregate to prepare Recycled Aggregate Concrete (RAC), which improves the …

Efficient creep prediction of recycled aggregate concrete via machine …
This study proposed the surrogate model to predict recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) creep behavior utilizing machine learning (ML). • Both grid search algorithm and k-fold …

Crushing and Screening Equipment for Concrete …
Concrete crushing equipment manufacturers are committed to providing efficient stationery crushing plants and mobile crushing plants to enable concrete recycling anywhere. A complete concrete recycling plant …

Prediction of mechanical properties of recycled aggregate …
This paper investigates the mechanical properties of concrete containing recycled aggregates and fly ash as a sustainable and eco-friendly solution for construction, which can …

Predicting the compressive strength of fiber-reinforced recycled
Fiber-reinforced recycled aggregate concrete (FR-RAC) has recently gained more popularity because of its advantages, high strength, eco-friendliness, and cost-effectiveness. …

Optimizing Recycled Aggregate Concrete for Severe …
Recycled concrete can be utilized as a replacement for natural aggregates in different applications like road bases, drainage courses, and dams.[32] The following are some of the different types …

Modelling the compressive strength of geopolymer recycled aggregate
The use of recycled aggregates, often sourced from construction and demolition wastes, in this type of concrete, generates geopolymer recycled aggregate concrete (GRAC); …

Concrete Recycling Machine
The CMQ Engineering reclaimer is used to effectively reclaim waste or unwanted concrete into reusable sand and aggregates for future production of pre-mixed concrete. Our innovative technologies allow you to …

Innovative modeling framework of chloride resistance of recycled
This study investigates the feasibility of introducing machine learning algorithms to predict the diffusion resistance to chloride penetration of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC). …

Prediction of compressive strength of recycled concrete …
The construction industry is pivotal in modern infrastructure development, but its environmental impact underscores the need for sustainability [1], [2].Recycled Aggregate …

Evaluating compressive strength of concrete made with recycled concrete …
To reduce the environmental impact of construction and demolition waste of concrete, recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) has been widely utilized in concrete. ... This …

Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA)
Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA) To align with Singapore's vision in construction sustainability, Eastern Continent also recycle concrete debris from demolishing works and …

Recycled Concrete Aggregate- How to Make It and What Is …
Concreteaggregate is one of the most common building materials in the construction field. However, millions of tons of concrete fragments and blocks are dumped as construction waste every year, and they are often placed on the land, which badly impacts the environment and land fertility. Recycled concrete aggr…

Use of recycled aggregate concrete in structural members: …
Notable examples include studies on: recycled concrete aggregate properties with amounts of old adhered mortars (Duan and Poon Citation 2014), the current status on the use …

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