Removing Sodium Chloride Silica

Interactions Between Chloride and Sulfate or Silica …

sodium alumínate with respect to (initial chloride concentration + initial sulfate concentration) in the solution. This was explained by an increase in the activity of calcium chloroaluminate solid in the solid solution in the presence of sulfate. Silica was found to have a small effect on chloride removal with UHLA. Similarly, chloride was found

Rapid, Selective, and Chemical-Free Removal of …

In addition, to improve the feasibility of silica electrosorption under high-salinity solutions, we developed a silica-selective anode by functionalizing porous activated carbon cloths with aluminum hydroxide nanoparticles (Al …

Removing Silica from Industrial Water | Chardon Labs

Silica is likely a major component wherever your water comes from — especially groundwater. Without regular cleaning practices, you'll likely see early equipment deterioration due to: 1. Membrane fouling:Silica particles can lodge in membrane pores in reverse osmosis and nanofiltration systems, blocking flow and causing e…

(PDF) Silica and metals removal by pretreatment to prevent …

Silica removal was improved from 91.47% without filtration to 93.64% with ultrafiltration for zero dose of ferric chloride. However, with ferric chloride added, silica removal was not really affected when the sample was filtered. With 20 mg/L of ferric chloride, silica removal was 93.38%.

Investigation of fluoride and silica removal from …

Fluoride-containing wastewater was prepared by dissolving sodium fluoride (NaF), while CMP wastewater was prepared with SiO 2 (average size of 100 nm). All the chemicals, including SiO 2, NaF, calcium chloride (CaCl 2), PAC and polyacrylamide (PAM), were analytical grade and purchased from Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd., China. A ...

Sodium Chloride Removal

Sodium Chloride Removal The conventional approach to desalting brackish waters is to use reverse osmosis (RO) with a blend stream to achieve a desired target water quality. Sulfuric acid is typically dosed in the feed along with an antiscalant to prevent fouling from sulfate salts, calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate and silica.

Removal of sodium and chloride ions from aqueous …

The results suggest that fique fibers allow simultaneous removal of chloride and sodium ions, up to four times higher than exchange capacities commonly observed in synthetic resins. Fique fibers obtained from the leaves of Furcraea spp., a highly abundant plant in the mountains of South America, may offer an alternative as biosorbents in desalination processes …

(PDF) Efficient Calcium and Silica Removal in Cooling Systems

Experimental results showed that chloride removal can be achieved at reasonable lime and sodium aluminate dosages. The results of equilibrium experiments indicate that the most cost-effective performance in the two-stage configuration occurred with lime dosages in the first and second stages equal to 50 mM and an aluminum dosage equal to 30 mM.

Template Removal and Surface Modification of an SSZ-13 …

Hydrothermal synthesis with an organic template of N,N,N trimethyl-1-adamantammonium hydroxide (TMAdaOH) is the most commonly used method to prepare an SSZ-13 zeolite membrane. In this paper, the synthesized membrane was treated in heated sodium chloride to remove TMAdaOH instead of calcination in air. The surface of the …

Options and Evaluations for Silica Removal City of …

Options and Evaluations for Silica Removal City of Longview Water Supply System Amy Blain, PE - City of Longview ... Silica µg/L 56,900 Sodium µg/L 11,700 Strontium µg/L 93.2 Hardness, Ca mg/L as CaCO 3 82.4 Hardness, Mg mg/L as CaCO 3 ... (Lime Softening at pH 11 & Magnesium Chloride at 50mg/L) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 15 20 25 30 35 40 2

Ion Exchange & Water Demineralization Handbook | Veolia

Silica removal is also enhanced by a resin bed preheat step before the introduction of warm caustic. Demineralization Equipment and Operation. ... The deep bed cation resin condensate polisher is regenerated with 15 lb of sodium chloride per cubic foot of resin, in a manner similar to that used for conventional sodium zeolite regeneration. ...

In metallurgical process, the flux used removing acidic

In metallurgical process, the flux used for removing acidic impurities is-silica; sodium chloride; sodium carbonate; limestone; A. sodium chloride. B. sodium carbonate. C. limestone. D. silica. Open in App. Solution. Verified by Toppr. S i O 2 (S i l i c a) is Acidic in Nature. N a C l can't act as a flux because it is a neutral salt.

An improved method for production of silica from rice hull …

The major impurity in these silica gels was sodium chloride trapped in the silica gel network. Washing these aquagels was found to be ineffective in removing the trapped salts. When these aquagels were dried to form xerogels and then washed, trapped sodium chloride was effectively removed to produce pure silica.


Kinetics of chloride removal with UHLA was investigated. Chloride removal was found to be fast and therefore, removal kinetics should not be a limitation to applying the UHLA process. Equilibrium characteristics of chloride removal with UHLA were characterized. Good chloride removal was obtained at reasonable ranges of lime and aluminum doses.

Coagulation Chemistries for Silica Removal from …

improvements. In Phase III, more detailed study of process conditions for aluminum chloride coagulation was undertaken. Lime-soda water softening and the precipitation of magnesium ... consumption to be considered further for the present application. In Phase IV, sodium aluminate emerged as an effective coagulant for silica, and the most ...

Factors Impacting Silica-Silicate Control Agent …

Commonly used chemicals for silica removal include polyvalent metal hydroxides, i.e., Al(OH) 3, Fe(OH) 3, and Mg(OH) 2. It has been reported that these chemicals effectively remove both soluble and colloidal silica.5 In addition, the amount of hydroxide required for removing silica increases but not in direct proportion with


Since electrodeionization works on the same principle as standard ion exchange, it has the ability to remove all traces of residual silica from the water. Although very effective and inexpensive to use, these systems are very expensive to …

How Do You Remove Silica from Industrial Water …

Removal of silica from process or wastewater is most commonly done as a means of preventing premature wear or damage to industrial equipment. This is because silica content can accumulate on surfaces as hard mineral deposits …

Influence of different chaotropic salts on etched mesoporous silica …

Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) used as an etchant was due to its high oxidizing power. This procedure was responsible for the etching of the amorphous silica framework by breaking Si–O–Si bonds, removing the OH. group and the condensed silica species and creating a new mesoporosity in the shell.


IMPROVED METHODS FOR REMOVAL OF SILICATE DEPOSITS T.R. McCartney1, Samar Gharaibeh1, Roxanne Shank1 1 # 2-321 37 N.E. Calgary, AB, T2E6P6 mccartney.thomas@cleanharbors: None ABSTRACT The removal of silica scale deposits from process equipment represents a substantial challenge in chemical cleaning. ... production …

Managing Cooling Water Systems to Prevent Silica …

Removing silica from make-up waters involves the use of precipitation softeners for reacting silica with a metal hydroxide, such as magnesium hydroxide [Mg(OH) ... reagent-grade calcium chloride dihydrate (CaCl 2 ·2H 2 O), sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO 3), magnesium chloride hexahy-drate (MgCl 2 ·6H 2 O), sodium silicate (Na 2 SiO 3

Influence of different chaotropic salts on etched mesoporous silica …

Consequently, this study utilized, for the very first time, different chaotropic salts (sodium chloride, 2 M guanidine HCl and Urea) onto an etched mesoporous silica nanoparticle (E-MSN) to adsorb bacteria DNA harboring antibiotic resistance genes from wastewater at neutral pH, compared their behaviors during an investigation at different ...

Process for removing silica from cellulosic material

U.S. Pat. No. 4,504,356 to Mülder et al discloses a continuous process for removing silica from spent pulping liquors, which have been obtained by the alkaline digestion of annual plants by pre-concentrating the spent liquor and contacting it with a carbon dioxide-containing gas. Silica precipitates, is removed from the treated liquor and then washed with water and causticized by …

Synthesis of Silver-Impregnated Magnetite Mesoporous Silica …

Mag@silica-Ag composite has a high sorption ability for I − in aqueous solution due to its high surface area and strong affinity for the studied anion. The material adsorbed I − rapidly during the initial contact time (in 45 min, η = 80%) and reached adsorption equilibrium after 2 h. Moreover, mag@silica-Ag proved to selectively remove I − from a mixture of Cl −, NO 3 − and I −.

(PDF) Chloride Removal from Wastewater by …

Given the concentration and environment where the chloride is present, there are several processes for removing chloride from water and sewage, including chemical, electrochemical [9], ion ...

Silica and metals removal by pretreatment to prevent …

Ferric hydroxide is precipitated from ferric sulfate by addition of sodium or calcium hydroxide for silica removal. In this case, a pH of 9.0 or greater is required [7]. ... With 20 mg/L of ferric chloride, silica removal was 93.38%. These results would indicate perhaps addition of ferric chloride as a precipitant aid or filtration would be ...

Silica removal

Most waters contain a mixture of the two forms, usually reactive silica has the higher concentration. Any coagulant, such as PAC, used to form a floc followed by a clarifier or …

scale removal | Energy Glossary

1. n. [Enhanced Oil Recovery] A common well-intervention operation involving a wide variety of mechanical scale-inhibitor treatments and chemical options.Mechanical removal is done by means of a pig or by abrasive jetting that cuts scale but leaves the tubing untouched. Scale-inhibition treatments involve squeezing a chemical inhibitor into a water-producing zone for …

How can i remove palladium Pd catalyst easily?

In this case the polarity of the aqueous ssolution can be increased by Addition of sodium chloride. Or use edta, etc. In case of metallic Palladium I would also prefer Filtration through celite.

A Safe and Effective Alternative for Silica/Silicate …

Removing silica and silicate-based deposits "safely" and effectively has always been a huge challenge in this industry. For decades, hydrofluoric acid (HF) and ammonium bifluoride (ABF) have always been the …